To do lists.

I think that I have a strange obsession with "to do" lists. I currently have a book at work that notes all of the things that I have to do. I have 3 formal "to do" lists, one for tomorrow, one for the week and one for the month. I also have a number of informal "to do" lists. These are the lists that don't have a deadline, so as long as they get done or I die, then there is no problem.

I need to think about this "to do" list obsession.

I don't use a diary for more than a couple of days. I don't wear a watch because knowing the time stresses me out for the fear of running late.

I read this post and wonder if I am a simple person, and the "to do" list helps mold my world into something that is more simple then it often feels. Does this mean that my "to do" lists allow me to have control? The question then is... Why does my life feel out of control? And also, when did this all start?

I know that I have been making mental lists for as long as I can remember. As I get older, my routines become more concrete, and I sometimes feel that I am becoming more and more like my Sister and my Mother. This is not a bad thing, I just don't want to think about it. I don't think I can stop it and I don't know if I want to.