Love is a verb.

Love is a verb. Love is what you do, not what you feel or what you have.

Love is not a noun. It can't be quantified. If you could quantify it, you would realise that you need not. The act of sharing love increases your supply. Any attempt to hoard love, to protect yourself from getting hurt by not sharing love, or to "take" from others without giving, doesn't work. There's a hole in your bucket and no matter what, the love leaks and dissipates away as you try to save it.

Okay so now I've got the song "Hole in the bucket dear Liza dear Liza, there's a hole in the bucket dear Liza a hole" stuck in my head

It's quite simple in a way: Love. Just do it. Be real about it.

And while it is quite simple, it is also maddeningly complex: Love. Don't waste it, disrespect it, or sacrifice it for anything.

A child can master it in a moment, but adults have to work. By the time we've grown up we've built up huge ideas of who and what we are that we are loathe to let go of it. Unfortunately, this ideal of self is incompatible with love.

There is no greater prize, nor one that requires more risk.