There are some seriously talented people in this world.
There are singers who never seem to hit a wrong note, who can convey the story of the song and who for a moment touch your soul.
There are artists who paint images that make you want to leap into the picture and become part of the story.
There are photographers who snap a moment in the world where the pain in the subjects eye or the smile on the subjects lip who make you cry or laugh.
There are musicans who can play their own choosen intrustment and tug at your heart strings with the melody and tradegy in their hearts.
There are actors who make you laugh, make you cry or shock you to the point where you cannot move.
There are writers who have the ability to me their words ring true with experiences that you have had.
Talent can be used, abused or wasted. It is a delecate balance. I just like to appreciate the talent around me.