Bring on Summer

I am waiting for summer to come my way.

I like spring, the time for new things and flowers and babies for many creatures. I like feeling the days lengthen and the sun warm. I like the cold nights and clear mornings. I like the rainy grey days that allow everything to grow. Most of all I like the promise of the summer that is to come.

I love summer and all it means. I love summer for hot afternoons, for sunsets that melt late into the night. I love summer for the summer night time markets, expeditions to the beach, hiding from the sun under the shade of an ancient tree. I love summer for the chinking of ice cubes and the sticky melting icecream. I love summer for the memory of summer holidays, the promise of Christmas and the realisation of dreams.

I long to feel the heat of the sun, a heat that can be seen in photos taken. I long for the type of days where you can see when a photo has been taken from under the shade of a tree, because on the day that I am longing for, the shot from the shadows feels cooler.

I wait for the bright blue sky where no clouds can be seen. I wait for the bright sunshine to dry the dew before I have risen. I wait for days where all you can think about is being cool, and the coolness that night brings.

I like autumn for the releif that it provides from a summer that lasts long and strong. I like watching the leaves change their colour and fall to the ground. I like the anticipation of cold nights, of hearty soup and of log fires.