I went to a friends going away party tonight. It was all just a little bit blah.
Life is all about change. At times we get to choose the change, at times the changes are forced upon us. The things that happen, the scenery we pass is the things that makes life interesting. Sometimes the destination become less important as the detours take over.
These detours show us who we are. These are where the challenges lie. The detours are the things that we cannot plan for. If we could plan for them we never would do them. Some of the best detours that I have had are things that I would never have attempted if I was not placed in a position where I had a choice.
Detours not only challenge us. They also show us so many things. Pretty scenes, interesting people, new places.
Some detours last minutes and sometimes you never arrive at the planned destination.
Some of my most favourite people, and most memorable moments occurred on a detour, as an indirect and pleasant result of change.